What a week! Brooke returned home from her Midwest Daddy/Daughter trip and Scott returned home Wednesday night--Praise the Lord!! It was a rough couple of weeks with sickness in this house but I am happy to report (knock on wood) everyone is healthy!!!
Day 1: Sunday ~ Cousin Time :) She loves him....you think???
Day 2: Monday ~ My fave pic of her Midwest trip! The frozen Lake Michigan is behind them...the last time she was there, we were all swimming in it!!!
I am so glad they had this Daddy/Daughter trip--she's getting older and the fact she still thought is was super cool to hang out with Dad for 4 days is awesome. She cried Monday night because she missed her dad (he was still travelling)--it was really sweet.
Day 3: Tuesday ~ Back to the grind....i was supposed to go to work but Sarah was not feeling well so I ended up picking her up from school at 9am!
Stocked up on tummy stuff! Ugh!
Day 4: Wednesday ~ This poor kid slept practically the whole day!! If you know Sarah, you know that's not her at all!!
Day 5: Thursday ~ A fun surprise in the mail! My mom made all the kids slippers!! Will (of all people) just LOVED his!!
Day 6: Friday ~ Glad to have my girl back for our Friday night drive to acting class! She ended up getting the part of Anita in 101 Dalmatians! So she'll be playing someone NICE!!!! I think I need to watch the movie!!
Day 7: Saturday ~ Celebrated an awesome BB game for this kid with his favorite lunch!
Then met my dear friend Heidi for dinner at her gorgeous home--she recently moved back here from NYC and although she misses it, I am SO happy she's back!!!!
Also, lots of new recipes on the blog...i put an index under Healthy Recipes at the top. Check them out! Also, SOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO super excited about what's to come for the bloggy blog! Stay tuned!!! Have a great week!!!!
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