
Friday, August 14, 2015

School Lunch Packing ~ GAME ON!!

Alrighty folks, the party is over. Since the "schools" of American have declared, 1st, the official end of summer, it's time to getting our mind in the game (whatever mind we have left, that is!) ~

school lunch packing ideas
Personally, the start of school is a double-edged sword. On one hand, I look forward to the structure and I know my kids thrive on it (whether they admit it now or not!). On the other hand, I LOVE the flexibility of summer....pool days, do nothing days, PJ days, no homework....we can eat breakfast whenever we want, no one has to be out of the house at a certain time. I think as such a busy society we NEED 2 months of that!!

Anyhoo--all that's down the toilet for me come August 20th, so GAME ON, SISTERS!!! The worst part of school for me (homework ranks up there, too) is lunch packing. Uggghhhhhh. I think we could all use some inspiration in this department and no need to reinvent the wheel, so I am going to share my past lunch-packing posts. And you know me by now, I keep it real. Nothing fancy-pants. This is stuff I ACTUALLY PACK FOR LUNCH. This is stuff MY KIDS ACTUALLY EAT!

I hope you get some inspiration! I am SO open to any other ideas, too!! Comment below and let me know your ideas...I am all ears, my friends!! What do your kids love for lunch?

Lunch Packing Posts

My Lunch Packing "Formula" ~ Brown Bag It

5 Days of Lunches

The Lunch Rut ~ More Ideas! 

Cheers to lunch-packing and an AWESOME school year!! And for all my teacher friends out there (same applies to parents...especially during the "projects")  ~

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 photo http___signaturesmylivesignaturecom_54493_88_9CE8AA3F49A05E87EC0C8AFE42F0194E_zps6da736d6.png


  1. Haha ... that sign! OXOX
    Dawn Lucy

  2. I too hate to see school start. I miss my daughter terribly when she goes. I like having her here. I need some lunch box ideas! We should share! Susan

    1. I agree Susan! Did you check out my 3 lunch posts? That **might** give you some inspiration! I'm all ears for more, girl!! Xxoo

  3. I cant decide if I'll be excited when Annabelle starts school (still 2 years away) or horribly depressed!

    1. It will be both ;) I have kiddos spaced similarly to yours. I was def all tears with my first. Then with my son (middle) I was like, "later dude!" My daughter will be in Jr high next year and that's WAY sadder than kindergarten! Lol! Xxoo

  4. NOOOOOOO I don't wanna go back!!!!!!! LOL Enjoy these last days!!

  5. Casey, I'm literally crying I'm laughing so hard at that Back to school sign!!! Thanks for the great laughs!!

  6. I feel ya on the lunch making and I think I would dread it even more if I had to make lunch for kids also! Since the start of the school year (unfortunately out here in Arizona school started on July 29) I've been doing my best to make a few days worth of lunches at a time!

    Penn&Quill || Robin

    1. Omg July 29!!? That's obscene ! Lol! I just remembered I have to make myself lunch too when I work 2x a week.. Thanks for reminding me!! Ha!! Xxoo

  7. Casey this post is a riot. So true. Soooooooooo true. Dreading when my little guy starts school for this very reason. Love this post!


  8. I am definitely going to need all the inspiration I can get from a post like these lol! My 6 year old loves having her lunch packed but sometimes I wonder if I pack peanut butter and jelly sandwiches too much.
    Thank you for linking up to "Bloggers Who have Inspired Me" yesterday.
    Rachel xo
    Please stop by Bloggers Who Have Inspired Me link up here
    Garay Treasures


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