Day 1: Sunday ~ We had the privilege of attending a beautiful Confirmation Mass for one of our dear friends. It's been amazing to see her grow up into such a beautiful young woman! Here is my attempt at taking their pic after Mass. Why does someone always have to not look or close their eyes?! GEEZ!
"God, who created us out of love, also call US to love--it is the fundamental and innate vocation of every human being."
"Our call in marriage is to model God's love for US ~ unfailing, unconditional and never abandoning."
It was so pretty heavy stuff, but I am so glad I went--i got so much out of the class.
Day 3: Tuesday ~ Total surprise when I walked into out local Target....Starbucks is opening! Starbucks and Target together??! Doesn't really get much better :)
Day 4: Wednesday ~ It was such a nice day, so after school we stopped at the park. Three happy kids on swings :)
Day 5: Thursday ~ Yep, I would say these two are ready for Spring Break!!!
Day 6: Friday ~ Girls and sunglasses :)
Brookey's class hosting Stations of the Cross (free dress day-woo hoo!) ~
Day 7: Saturday ~My brother is #1!!! Buddy's biggest fan :)
That's a wrap! Have a great week!!!!
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