Day 1: Sunday ~ On the way home from Monterey, we stopped at the Santa Cruz Beach Boardwalk. It was a beautiful day..we rode some rides, ate junk food, walked on the beach and tried to get a few decent pics. Yep, #noluck
This girl LOVED the rides!!! She could have rode Bulgy the Whale all day long!
Day 2: Monday ~ After all of our research and picture taking of Brookey's mission down in Santa Cruz, she finally finished her project! I think it turned out pretty darn good if I do say so myself.
Day 3: Tuesday ~ This past weekend, Will told Scott he wanted to write a letter "to Minecraft" and tell them a bunch of stuff they needed to change/add. We kinda laughed thinking he'd forget about it, but on Tuesday, he came home from school, immediately got a paper and pencil and we drafted this "letter to Minecraft." Something about adding more obsidian and iron ore among other things. I didn't even know how to spell "obsidian." #whattheheckishetalkingabout #wishispokeminecraft
Now I have to mail it....hmmmmmmm......
Day 4: Wednesday ~ The "official" school pic from the Father-Daughter Dance :)
Day 5: Thursday ~ This kid could swing forever...just waiting for Will to finish baseball practice.
Day 6: Friday ~ My baby boy's 6th birthday!! He came out of school wearing this crown and carrying his birthday certificate. I'm pretty sure it was one of the worst moments of his life! LOL! He hates being in the spotlight! (I bribed him to take this pic, BTW)
Celebrating with his "birthday Coke!"
Day 7: Saturday ~ Scott took Will and Brooke to see the Sponge Bob movie so Sarah and I had a little Pinkberry date :) That face...
Have a wonderful week!!!

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