
Sunday, June 14, 2015

Seven on Sunday ~ Week 24

Day 1: Sunday ~ Today was our 12 year anniversary!!! We had a great dinner at home, but we're really celebrating in Napa in a few weeks! I feel so blessed to be married to my best friend, my rock and a truly amazing daddy to our kids!

Day 2: Monday ~ End of the year baseball party with these clowns! We all live on the same street and we are so fortunate to have good kids in out 'hood! I really love these boys! (it was also 100 degrees here...unheard of! What??!)

Day 3: Tuesday ~ Another Tuesday, another day of this one freaking out over the Warriors. This game didn't end so well :(

Day 4: Wednesday ~ I don't sew and I am a farthest from a DIY'er, but today I "made" a denim vest from an old jean jacket I had in my Goodwill pile! I'm hoping it looks cute! I'll post a little tutorial on the blog this week! It was so easy!

Day 5: Thursday ~ My last day a work...i always get a little teary eyed..especially about the kids who have "graduated" from my program :(

Day 6: Friday ~ Think she's happy about the last day of school??!!!!

Day 7: Saturday ~ Yep.

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  1. Happy Anniversary! And Happy Summer! I have two more days of school...almost there!

  2. Happy anniversary! I'm so looking forward to summer break :)!


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