Day 1: Sunday ~ Back from Spring Break, my first stop Sunday morning--TARGET! Sarah and I had to load up on supplies. :) Since she can't drink regular milk, I always have to buy her Lactaid which is about $2.99 for a half gallon. Well, this morning a Target, I found Lactaid on closeout (June expiration date!!), three 1/2 gallons for $2.99!! SCORE!! Seriously made my week--it's the little things :) We cleaned them out and bought 6 giant jugs! LOL!
Day 2: Monday ~ Brookey still wasn't feeling good Sunday night and her fever still hadn't broken, so I made an appointment to take her in to the Dr. first thing Monday. She improved overnight and by her Dr. appointment, her fever and oxygen levels were normal and her lungs were almost clear! Woo hoo!!! She felt a lot better without the fever but was still tired and weak. She stayed home from school until Thursday. They made her wear this mask at the Dr. and she was mortified! LOL!
Day 3: Tuesday ~ First baseball game since we came back from vaca. Buddy played catcher (which he HATES!). This was his old coach from last looks like Buddy is having some words with him!!!
Day 4: Wednesday ~You know this boy is tired when you find him wrapped up in his sister's pink blanket in the morning!! Doesn't help that Brookey's flower pillow is also next to him! He immediately "cleaned" and made his bed after I showed him this pic! Life with sisters!
Day 5: Thursday ~ Sooooo at daycare (my friend's house where Sarah goes with a few other kids), Sarah dumped mud all over this poor little boy's head!!! Her babysitter asked why she did it, and this is the face she gave her. My friend thought it was so amusing so she took a pic of her naughty face!!! Terrible 2's for sure with this one.
Day 6: Friday ~ Grandparents Day at school! My mom came up to visit with the kiddos and my Dad came up to catch Buddy's baseball game the next day. Love having my parents in town!
Day 7: Saturday ~ Sarah started getting sick on Thursday and Friday I took her to the Dr. when her temp spiked to nearly 105!!! They checked her out, and wanted a urine sample to rule out a UTI. That was SUPER fun....crouched in the doctor's office bathroom over the toilet holding a cup. She wouldn't go, so I had to take the cups and do it home, then run the samples back to the office on Saturday morning. #momlife.
As of Saturday, she still has a fever but they ruled out pneumonia and a UTI, so he thinks it's probably just a nasty virus. She's on some meds and we're praying she feels better soon. (BTW, I spared you the pic with pee actually IN the cup! You're welcome.)
Cheers to a happy, healthy week!!! XO
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Oh my gosh, Casey, 105? Our oldest daughter (who is now 18) had some crazy virus when she was in 1st grade. I remember her fever being that high for 15 days, crazy. It only came down to like 102 with motrin. She was hallucinating at night, thought she saw turtles in her bedroom window! It was scary. Went for so many tests, doctors ruled out one thing after another and were about to send her for more invasive tests to see if it was something far more serious. But then her fever dropped to 102, then 100, 99, and was gone. Scariest thing ever! I think our pediatrician suspected it was adnovirus or something like that? Praying Sarah feels better, soon! xoxo
ReplyDeleteLyn, OMG! That is just crazy-scary! I was freaking out when the Dr. said 105! THANKFULLY--she's been fever-free for 24 hours now, so I'm praying this is the end of it! I can't even imagine how scary that was for you! Gosh--KIDS!! :) XOXOXOXO
DeleteSo thankful to read that your baby girl has been fever-free and that maybe, at long last she is on the road to recovery. So scary!
ReplyDeleteThanks, Sweet Girl! XO