Awesome view of our 'hood!
Day 2: Monday ~ Last day with Jen and Jenna! We went to Chrissy field in SF for a picnic. We were so sad to see them go!!!! Brooke and Buddy were all tears :(
Day 3: Tuesday ~ Folding laundry and watching Fixer Upper...OBSESSED with that show!! Also enjoying my last glass of "weekday wine" for 40 days :)
Day 4: Wednesday ~ Ash Wednesday! Sarah and I got our ashes....she looks weird because right before this pic she proceeded to stuff 17 pieces of gum into her mouth. #ashtag
Day 5: Thursday ~ Sarah's babysitter always sends me pics throughout the day. She's always having so much fun!!!
Day 6: Friday ~You can say what you want, but these girls and I had a blast at dinner and 50 Shades. Anyone who claims this movie is about "domestic violence" CLEARLY has not watched the movie or done their "homework" about it before spewing their opinion. #wtf #lightenup #hatersgonnahate
Have a great week!! See you back here on Wednesday for Wardrobe Wednesday! I'm starting a 4 week series on Building a Wardrobe starting with cleaning your closet! Spring cleaning, here we come!!!! ~ XO

FINALLY, I see someone that has the same feelings I do about 50 Shades!! So much negative, and mostly from those that have not even read the books or know what they are talking about! When you watch a movie about murder do you go out and murder, or about a kidnapper do go out and steal a child, nope...or watch a movie about infidelity do you go out and cheat on your spouse, negative....just go and enjoy the movie people!! And if you are too much of a prude then just hush and let those of us that want to watch go and enjoy in peace. :-)