Saturday, December 31, 2011
Friday, December 30, 2011
Northern Cal Beach Staycation
We had a GREAT time playing at the beach and finding treasures at the tidepools--we had never been to any real tidepools before and it was really cool. We also made a pit stop in SF to have a crab sandwich (crab season is in full force!!!) and stroll through Japantown so Brookey could shop for these Japanese toys she loves (don't ask).
Bundled up for a Northern Cal beach day!

On the beach in Pacifica
Strolling the beach looking for fun stuff
Will at the tidepools
Brookey showing off her sea urchin shell at the tidepool
Scott trying to keep Buddy from running away! :)
He found a shell!!
Wednesday, December 28, 2011
Christmas 2011

It's so freaking fun to see the kids at Christmas--it really just makes my year to see how much fun they have. Some highlights:
1. My dad and Scott spending 2+ hours on Christmas Eve setting up Buddy's 450 piece train set...
2) Seeing all of their hard work pay off when Buddy saw it and played with it for the next...8 hours!! The kid is obsessed.
3) Brookey lost another tooth so she really did want her "two front teeth" for Christmas (Santa couldn't work that miracle).
4) Brookey's gift of the year, a late model iTouch with a white, rhinestone (bling!) case. She thinks she's super cool, playing Angry Birds and listening to Kidz Bop.
All and all we had a great few days and it was nice to have Scott "home" and truly on vacation for the first time in forever. He's off all week (truly a Christmas Miracle!!), so tomorrow we're headed down to Half Moon Bay for a little stay-cation to visit to tidepools and chill by the beach. We're also sleeping in (7:30!!!!!) and yesterday the kids and I stayed in our PJs until 11am. I HEART vacation!!!!!!
He's ready for Christmas Eve Mass!
Can my kids smile or what?! Sheesh! They get that from the Rooney side...Uncle Chris in particular!!! Awful! But they both LOVE the train table!!!!
20 Weeks

Since I could only have one person with me in the ultrasound room, Brookey accompanied me this time! It's an old hat for Scott and he doesn't want ANY details whatsoever except to hear the baby is fine. So Brookey came with me and was fascinated by the process. It was nice to have her participate more this time since she was a little too young to care last time around.
Everything is "perfect" with the baby, thank goodness. 10 fingers and 10 toes, all the heart chambers, brain development good :) Most people think the 20 week ultrasound is the "gender finding out" ultrasound, but I take it much more seriously. It really is an anatomy scan to check and see if the baby has been developing properly. I'm always super nervous vs. excited at any ultrasound. So getting this over with was a huge relief for me!!!
The ultrasound showed the baby was measuring right on time for a May 13 arrival, however my uterus (AKA: my gut! lol) is measuring 2 weeks ahead of schedule!! Yikes. I definitely don't feel huge yet and I can still "hide" it with certain outfits. But I've switched to new jeans and I can actually fit into "small" maternity t-shirts. The "explosion" is about to happen, though. Just enjoying the next few weeks :)
A cute little foot and toes :)

Friday, December 16, 2011
He's a Big Kid Now!

We didn't really know what to expect with the transition to a "real" bed. I can count on one hand the number of times Will has slept in an actual bed (not a crib or Pack 'n Play) and he has never, ever slept in a bed at home. In fact, he has never liked to be in a bed with someone. We will be watching Saturday morning TV in bed together and he will refuse to come lay with us and make his own "bed" on the floor. Like Scott and I always say, "He's a little odd."
The "transition," so to speak, was non-existent. The first night, he climbed into bed, played around for about 15 minutes, I told him to go to sleep and he rolled over and slept without a peep for the next 11 hours. Ever since then, we put him in his bed and he stays there all night. He doesn't even get out of bed in the morning until we come get him. I doubt he'll ever come over to our bed either, considering he has no interest in anyone around him when he sleeps. He's honestly a freak of nature. Scott and I both shake our heads and wonder how there could be a child like this. Potty trained in a few hours, asks to go to bed, WANTS to nap. Oh, and if we put him to bed and we are talking too loud outside his room he yells, "BE QUIET! Trying to sleep!!!"
We are fully aware our next kid is going to be a hellion, just to make up for Will's easy-ness. Either that, or we'll get payback in the teen years. But that's least we have two "easy" ones right now which is great considering the storm that will tear through this house come May :)
All I want for Christmas.... my one front tooth!
Missing tooth count=3. The 4th one is almost ready to go, too. This one she pulled out CLASS!! I told her I couldn't believe she pulled it out DURING CLASS and she told me, "But I waited until the teacher was done talking and I was done with my work." Oh, ok. Cool. Wouldn't want to interrupt a math lesson with blood all over your desk.
Missing tooth count=3. The 4th one is almost ready to go, too. This one she pulled out CLASS!! I told her I couldn't believe she pulled it out DURING CLASS and she told me, "But I waited until the teacher was done talking and I was done with my work." Oh, ok. Cool. Wouldn't want to interrupt a math lesson with blood all over your desk.

Wednesday, December 7, 2011
Bah Humbug!
Monday, November 28, 2011
Brookey's 6th Year Video
Here is the annual video. For the past 5 years, I've opted for sappy songs, but this year was not a real "sappy" year. It was a year filled with firsts and fun! First lost tooth, first camping trip, first "pet." And a lot of fun little trips--Tahoe, camping, apple picking...
So instead of sappy, I chose Brookey's favorite song this year: California Girls. If this song is ever on the radio, she sings it at the top of her lungs. I did opt to use the Kidz Bop version for the video. I don't think "sipping on gin and juice" was really appropriate for this point in her life :)
So instead of sappy, I chose Brookey's favorite song this year: California Girls. If this song is ever on the radio, she sings it at the top of her lungs. I did opt to use the Kidz Bop version for the video. I don't think "sipping on gin and juice" was really appropriate for this point in her life :)
Sunday, November 27, 2011
Destination: Birthday

In her six years, we've had our share of birthday home and at various "party" locations. However, thus far our favorite birthday "party" was her 4th birthday when the 4 of us went to Monterey and spent the weekend at the Aquarium and touring around the area. So when I asked her if she would like another "destination" birthday, there was nooo hesitation at all! And this year, I suggested that we go with another family so we could share the experience.
This year's destination of choice was the Big Sur/Santa Cruz area and the Seascape Beach awesome all-suite "hotel" right on the beach. Unfortunately, our friends came down with the puke flu a few days before the scheduled trip and were unable to attend which was a huge bummer, but we still had an awesome time!!!
From strolling the pier, playing on the beach, a swim in the heated pool and even a nighttime beach's safe to say we all had a wonderful weekend. I can't tell you how pleased I was that I didn't have to host ten 6 year olds, do dishes or spend the day at Chuckie was honestly a vacation for ME, as well! As we were checking out Brookey asked, "Can we come here for Buddy's birthday, too?" Absolutely.
What's better than cotton candy?!
Swimming in November!
Beach bonfire and Smores!
Thursday, November 3, 2011
First Big Relief!!!

This picture was taken for the NT Scan, which is a screening for Down's Syndrome (among other things). My stomach was in knots yesterday. Almost 3 years ago the same Dr. told me that Will (then, "Baby 2") was high risk for Downs. Obviously, everything turned out fine but needless to say, I WAS NOT at all excited about this appointment.
This experience was MUCH, MUCH better, the Dr. telling me that "everything looked more than perfect!" Now, those are words I want to hear!!
This appointment wasn't all peaches and cream, though. Other words that I didn't want to hear at this appointment: "So you're Advanced Maternal you want an amnio and genetic counseling?" =SIGH= Advanced Maternal Age (AMA!!). Oh, well. I guess I have to face the facts!! I told the Dr. to please not check that box on my chart because my due date is FOUR days after my 35th birthday, but he didn't buy it. "Sweetheart, you gotta draw the line somewhere." I gotta find a new Doc :)
Here are some more shots from the ultrasound. They even showed me the 3D version which completely FREAKS me out. I really don't need that much information :) But I have to admit, it was pretty incredible. It really is a miracle from above!!
Little Hands--they could count the fingers and toes, even at 12 weeks-amazing!

He/She already knows how to pray!! I was told there was no way you could tell the gender from this shot or at this point.

Wednesday, October 19, 2011
Lost in the Fog...

About a month ago, I was feeling great, just a little tired. I was swearing up and down it was going to be a boy because this pregnancy was soooo easy....just like it was with Will. I should have never opened my mouth, because two days later I was falling asleep at noon and going to bed for the night at 7:30 and feeling like I was going to puke 24 hours a day (i haven't once done that...yet).
I am nearing the 11 week mark and keep thinking this has to be nearly the end of it. Let's hope, otherwise there are going to be some people (family members in particular) that may be kicking me out of the house.
But all the hormones aside, our family is THRILLED to be adding another family member to our crazy mix. As with Brooke and Will, we won't be finding out the sex or releasing any names :) Brooke is ecstatic with "whatever God gives her" and Will is dead-set on having a brother. I don't think either Scott or I have a "preference"....maybe if there had to be 51% of me on a certain sex, it might be a boy for the simple fact I just think boys are a lot more simple, overall. But honestly, I would be soooo happy if I could give Brooke a sister, it will work out no matter what!
Hopefully, I will coming out of this FOG soon and start feeling like a normal, productive member of society.....
Sunday, September 18, 2011
Go, Team, Go!!!
All the girls attended a one day cheer camp last Saturday to learn their moves and build their team spirit. Friday night, they hit the field and cheered with the varsity cheer team. It was the CUTEST thing ever. It was also very impressive to see the high school cheerleaders working so well with the little "Cubs."
Brookey had a blast...cheerleading might be in her future as she loves to jump around, yell, sing and dance. Although, she did comment that the actual football game was "the boringest thing EVER." It was 28-0 at halftime, so I had to agree with her :) All the cheering from the Panther Cubs must have been working!!
GO TEAM!!!!!
Tuesday, August 30, 2011
Friends, Sonoma and Ben F.
In a nutshell, the weekend consisted of amazing food and wine. All of the food cooked at home, which was most of the fun! On Saturday, we went to Sonoma to visit Benziger Winery, which is known for being a very "family friendly" place.
Now I am a huge Bachelor/Bachelorette fan, so I knew a certain runner up from last season's Bachelorette was connected to Benziger, however I did not in any way, go there expecting to see him! Well, Scott, with his celeb-spotting-eye (it's truly amazing) spotted Ben F. walk into the tasting room (and he IS the next Bachelor, for anyone who wants to be in the know) :). I am shameless when it comes to food or reality TV celebs (meeting Morimoto was a thrill for me), so I grabbed my camera and forced Grace to join me in a picture, along with 5 month old Ava!! She is now forever connected to Ben, too!! It was quite the highlight of the weekend!!!
The rest of the weekend was a blast, much wonderful food was consumed. Definitely lacing up the running shoes....tomorrow :)
Ava enjoyed wine tasting :)
Bella looks like she's up to no good....
Kids in a vineyard
Pretty girls
Two boys in the vineyard
The kids had their own wine country picnic
The kiddie table
Matt, Scott and the rascals at Benziger
Wednesday, August 24, 2011
1st Grade!

It just amazes me all the things that Brookey can suddenly do that she couldn't last year...ride her 2 wheeler, swim like a champion, tie!!! It's amazing what just a few months can do.
She has the same teacher as she did last year, due to her teacher wanting to move up a grade. We love her teacher and I know she's going to have a great year!!

The Posse is back together
Brooke & BFF Maddie who started Kindergarten
Will didn't start anything new, but I couldn't leave him out!!!!

Tuesday, August 16, 2011
Thursday, August 11, 2011
More Fun!
Tuesday, August 9, 2011
Indiana 2011
I was talking to one of my friends who has 3 kids and we were laughing about the fact that every time we come home from a "vacation" with our kids we are utterly exhausted, buried in laundry and feel like we need another vacation to recover! But then we start looking through the pictures and hearing our kids talk about things that happened on the trip and all of the hassles seem to dissipate and we're left with beautiful images of kids having a great makes all of hassle and stress of traveling with kids worth it.
Let's list out the hassles and stress....
1. Waking the kids up at 3:30 am for a 6:00am flight....actually that was kinda fun...they loved it :)
2. Barely walking onto our 6:00am flight after I silently swore we were going to miss it.
3. Arrived right after a tornado in Indiana which left everyone with no power...did I mention it was about 110 degrees and 100% humidity. Yuck.
4. A mean woman on the plane who yelled at my perfectly behaving kids for coloring too hard on their tray tables. Traveling with a 2 year old, she was lucky he wasn't yelling in her ear and peeing on her seat.
5. Too hot to hang out by the lake over the weekend which is usually the highlight of our trip. I was cooped up inside pretty much all weekend. Ugh.
6. Will broke out in an awful rash one day that got so bad we took him to urgent care. It could have been strep, reaction to sunscreen or heat rash. Who knows but it cleared up completely within hours of landing in SF.
7. Driving 6 hours one day to visit my relatives in Illinois, 5 hours the next day, then immediately hopping on a 6pm flight back to I said POOR PLANNING!
And are some of the "beautiful images"....yes, it's always worth it!
Quality time with Pops

Chasing fireflies
Craft time with Grandma Taylor
Roasting marshmallows with Pops
Backyard races
What's more fun than rolling down a hill?! (or running around without a shirt?!)
Will playing nicely with Kate...for once :)

Brother and sister love at urgent care

Brookey & Livy
Turning some wheels at the shop with Pops

Quick and Easy Meal Prep for Breakfast + Lunch + Snacks!
Ready for a SUPER quick and easy meal prep?! No joke, it took me longer to find all the lids to these containers than it did it prep my b...