This picture was taken for the NT Scan, which is a screening for Down's Syndrome (among other things). My stomach was in knots yesterday. Almost 3 years ago the same Dr. told me that Will (then, "Baby 2") was high risk for Downs. Obviously, everything turned out fine but needless to say, I WAS NOT at all excited about this appointment.
This experience was MUCH, MUCH better, the Dr. telling me that "everything looked more than perfect!" Now, those are words I want to hear!!
This appointment wasn't all peaches and cream, though. Other words that I didn't want to hear at this appointment: "So you're Advanced Maternal Age....do you want an amnio and genetic counseling?" =SIGH= Advanced Maternal Age (AMA!!). Oh, well. I guess I have to face the facts!! I told the Dr. to please not check that box on my chart because my due date is FOUR days after my 35th birthday, but he didn't buy it. "Sweetheart, you gotta draw the line somewhere." I gotta find a new Doc :)
Here are some more shots from the ultrasound. They even showed me the 3D version which completely FREAKS me out. I really don't need that much information :) But I have to admit, it was pretty incredible. It really is a miracle from above!!
Little Hands--they could count the fingers and toes, even at 12 weeks-amazing!

He/She already knows how to pray!! I was told there was no way you could tell the gender from this shot or at this point.

Your maternal age???? I'd draw the line at 36. :-)