Since I could only have one person with me in the ultrasound room, Brookey accompanied me this time! It's an old hat for Scott and he doesn't want ANY details whatsoever except to hear the baby is fine. So Brookey came with me and was fascinated by the process. It was nice to have her participate more this time since she was a little too young to care last time around.
Everything is "perfect" with the baby, thank goodness. 10 fingers and 10 toes, all the heart chambers, brain development good :) Most people think the 20 week ultrasound is the "gender finding out" ultrasound, but I take it much more seriously. It really is an anatomy scan to check and see if the baby has been developing properly. I'm always super nervous vs. excited at any ultrasound. So getting this over with was a huge relief for me!!!
The ultrasound showed the baby was measuring right on time for a May 13 arrival, however my uterus (AKA: my gut! lol) is measuring 2 weeks ahead of schedule!! Yikes. I definitely don't feel huge yet and I can still "hide" it with certain outfits. But I've switched to new jeans and I can actually fit into "small" maternity t-shirts. The "explosion" is about to happen, though. Just enjoying the next few weeks :)
A cute little foot and toes :)

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