Day 1: Sunday ~ So Will got his first EVER "professional" haircut today! Scott's been buzzing his hair forever. I think I took him to Super Cuts when he was about 3 and he screamed so loud they made us leave. #epicfail
FINALLY he agreed to get hair cut!!! I showed the gal this pic (LOL!) to use as a guide...I think she did pretty well!! He even lets me style it every morning!!!
Day 2: Monday ~ More rain!! The girls were loving it! I think it's going to be a wet winter here--finally!! There is a ton more rain predicted this week, too!! I better get Sarah some new rain boots!
Day 3: Tuesday ~ Will's sweet class got to lead Rosary for the school. He got to do a pretty long reading was so sweet!!
Day 4: Wednesday ~ My babies!!! 6th and 2nd Grade. Sarah's pics haven't come yet! Brooke's first and only pic she'll have with braces!!
Day 5: Thursday ~ This girl! She drives me freaking NUTS sometimes but can also bring so much joy with her smile! LOVE HER!!
Day 6: Friday ~ Helping me plan our weekend meals! He's no help though...all he wants is fried chicken, pizza, hot dogs, etc :)
Day 7: Saturday ~ Pumpkin Patch Day!!!! It's always a good time...I am just waiting for the kids to tell me they don't want to go anymore. Brooke is getting REALLY close! She ripped her pants on something and threw a very pre teen-like FIT and we left shortly thereafter. #neveradullmoment
Pumpkin Patch Pose!
We're all looking! Score!
These crazy people! It was this pic that I realized Will didn't style his hair! LOL!
I think this was right before she ripped her pants!
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