Day 1: Sunday ~ Made a trip to Michael's to update the annual "scarecrows" we put up in the front yard every year! It's nice this year because we actually have a real front yard!!
Day 2: Monday ~ When your son comes home and says he needs to write to the Pope and ask him some say yes :) He's making sure I mail it, too!!! Love how he 1) Decided to use his FULL name to sign it. 2) Spelled "William" wrong! LOL! Goes to show how much he writes his name like that!
Day 3: Tuesday ~Sleeping on the floor like an angel :) LOL!
Day 4: Wednesday ~ Coffee and Hobby Lobby! HEAVEN!!!! I went to get some finishing touches for the guest room.
Day 5: Thursday ~ The guest room is DONE!!! (well, almost...just a few paint touch ups here and there)!
Day 6: Friday ~ Blessing of the Animals at school! The kids BEGGED me all week to bring the guinea pigs and I said no. Then Brooke called me from SCHOOL Friday morning begging again so I did it :) #momoftheyear. They were SO happy to see the Pigs!! :) Even Will!
Day 7: Saturday ~ Soccer all day (one loss, one win) followed by a super fun evening with my friend Heidi and her gorgeous family! We all had so much fun!
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Could you post a picture of how the scarecrow looks in your yard?