Day 1: Sunday ~ She's "out of the box" alright!!!! LOL!!
Day 2: Monday ~ Working hard on his "Mary Grotto" project for 2nd grade. It's basically a decorated shoe box that commemorates Mary. I remember helping Brookey with hers and we just finally tossed it when we moved! It's neat to see how different the kids do things. Of course, I didn't take a picture of the final product! DOH!
Day 3: Tuesday ~ Will's 2nd Grade class project that was auctioned off at the school auction on Saturday. It's adorable and it says "Do all things with great love." Fast forward to Saturday--we bid on it and won :) Will was super excited!
Day 4: Wednesday ~We had so many errands and returns to do at the Mall so I promised her a ride on the Carousel !!
Day 5: Thursday ~Brooke does all of these specialty "hair masks" so Sarah agreed to let her do one her! She's waiting for the concoction of egg, avocado and coconut oil condition her hair!!! HA!
Day 6: Friday ~ It was a rainy 12:15 dismissal day so it was a perfect day to cozy up inside and bake cookies!
In the morning, Sarah picked out her Halloween's part of it...any guesses??
Day 7: Saturday ~ Bubba had the game of his life in the morning with two goals and an goal with his LEFT FOOT! I think it was his team's first win of the season (they suck bad). Clearly, the girls weren't interested--too busy with ChapSnat. HA!
After that, it was off to the Prom for the annual school auction. It's always such a great time!!
Prom fun!
After party!!
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