Day 1: Sunday ~ Brookey and I spent the day packing for Science Camp and picking up last minute items at Target! She was so excited!!
Day 2: Monday ~ I drove the girls up to Walker Creek Ranch about an hour away and stayed for the little Opening Ceremony. As soon as we got there the kids were all so excited and having so much fun--i didn't even feel bad leaving her! The got the cabin mates they requested and all was good with the world! They were in for a week of fun!
Day 3: Tuesday ~ Brookey was gone and it felt WEIRD!!! Sarah probably had the hardest time this week--she cried every morning at school and said she missed her sister! (she's a little drama queen though) Here's a project she made on Tuesday--she's definitely a sprinkles girl for sure!
Day 4: Wednesday ~ Her teacher would send me pictures during the day so I knew she was fine...when I left her each morning, she was a train wreck and all tears!! Her teacher's daughter is in Brooke's class and was also at Science Camp so these two could relate to each other all week missing someone!!
Day 5: Thursday ~ It's been 4 days since Brooke left and we've been going about our business just fine but today I REALLY missed her and was ready for her to come home! It's just a strange feeling having one part of our family gone for so long--something was definitely missing (mostly her extremely loud singing in the morning!)
But I just remembered this quote and knew this time away would teach her so much about how to get along away from home!
Day 6: Friday ~ Pick up day from Science Camp!! Do you think Brooke got homesick??!!! Not ONE STINKING BIT. The majority of her class mates were, though and it was cute to see them reunited with their parents.
I did make sure during camp to send her funny, upbeat letters and I never once wrote that I missed her (which they asked us to do so the kids wouldn't be sad). So instead I sent her funny, printed Snap Chat pictures of us and just kept it really fun. I am hoping that helped but I just really think she is fine without us and it was a nice break from the grind of school and her annoying little sister :)
Her crazy class!!!!
Brooke was EXHAUSTED after camp. Just wiped out on Friday and in a super pissy mood :) She passed out cold before 8pm and slept like a rock. Being outside with no wi fi for a week is exhausting :)
Day 7: Saturday ~ Brookey was back, we all had a giant sleepover in our room and all was right with the world again. Back to Soccer Saturdays!
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