Day 2: Monday ~ Labor Day! Very little "laboring" went on today...Brooke actually worked on homework a little and I think I got a nap in.....and the kids got in some Snaps :)
Day 3: Tuesday ~ This was SUCH a busy day all around! Work was crazy and the whole day just flew by!!! I did check my email after work and these two pics popped up--2016 soccer pics! They both truly love soccer....picture day, though...not so much :(
Day 4: Wednesday ~ My "free" day with no kids! "Free" --yeah right! I have an entire room to paint at home but instead this day consisted of working, car washing, laundry, grocery shopping, errand running...and OF COURSE a Target run....they have the CUTEST girls workout gear now!! I love this #goals shirt for Brookey! Needless to say, that room STILL isn't painted!
Day 5: Thursday ~ Just some Thursday night sparring with Supergirl and some dude who wears one sock with need to worry...everything is normal here.
Day 6: Friday ~ Happiness is new Play Doh and the weekend with Grandma and Grandpa!
Oh, and this is what happens when your amazing friend drops off Sift cupcakes at your doorstep...
Day 7: Saturday ~ Fresno Fun! It was HOT...and always fun :)
Me and my bestie...we've been friends for 33++ matter how much time passes, it's always the same...good times, we always have each other's back. Love this girl!!!
Class of 1995 at Edison High was the BEST! I am proud to call all of these awesome people my friends!!!
Besties and the hubbys.....we don't get together nearly enough!! We need to change that STAT!
Crazy week and now it's Sunday and we are getting everything ready to send Brookey off to Science Camp all week!!! See ya'll next week!!!
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