Day 1: Sunday ~I honestly don't know what occurred last Sunday. I do know that when I went through my camera roll, there were about 200 pictures and videos of the girls on Snapchat! LOL!
Day 2: Monday ~Cookie baking fun!!
Day 3: Tuesday ~ Hmmmmmm...?
Day 4: Wednesday ~ My one and only day with no kids in the house! It's crammed full with errands, house cleaning, appointments and Beachbody "work" my some of my favorite girls!
Day 5: Thursday ~ Ordered my very first pair of Lulu leggings today..after contemplating the purchase for MONTHS! I figured with free shipping and returns, I couldn't go wrong. Well, unless I fall in love and want more! HA!
Day 6: Friday ~ Again, IDK but I think it involved wine :)
Day 7: Saturday ~ One word. Soccer. We had great first games. Bubba lost, but played hard (#goaliesucks). And Brooke did awesome and blew the other team out! It's going to be a great season!!
Does anyone like to be goalie??
Kid gives 100% that is for sure!!
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