Day 1: Sunday ~ We were driving home from camping on this day so one more pic of big trees :) They are just amazing!!
Day 2: Monday ~ She's so peaceful...when she sleeps :) She's a whirlwind the second she wakes up!
Day 3: Tuesday ~ Tuesday was our neighborhood's National Night Out ....the face painter was pretty elaborate!!!
Day 4: Wednesday ~ One of our favorite places to go is the Lindsay Wildlife Museum. It's just a cute little place where the kids can see/pet all types of animals from owls and guinea pigs!! They love it!
Day 5: Thursday ~ I find the most random pictures on my camera roll when I go through it each week! LOL!!
Day 6: Friday ~ We all went on a good old family grocery shopping trip! UGH! :)
Day 7: Saturday ~ I spent the day in SF with other coaches to learn and workout! I am truly blessed to be part of such a great company. Love how coaches come in all shapes, sizes and from all walks of life. And it's such a kid friendly company! So many people brought their kids and had fun doing the workouts!
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