Day 1: Sunday ~ New crockpot recipe! Chicken Tikka Masala! Soooo yummy for anyone who loves indian food! Recipe can be found HERE.
Day 2: Monday ~ We laid to rest Will's fish, Ocean. He hadn't been doing well for awhile so I am kinda glad he passed :) I was worried because last time his fish died, Will was SOOOOOOO upset! This time, though he did fine. He's looking forward to getting a new one! :)
Day 3: Tuesday ~ Will working on his 1st grade animal report. He chose a parrot of allll "animals." When Brookey was in 1st grade she did a's been fun seeing Will work through the same projects as Brookey did. It's just amazing how different those two are. Their talents lie at opposite ends of the spectrum, that's for sure!
**this is also the day around 3:00 where I wondered why my body "hurt." Around 6:00 I had a fever and the rest is history! The flu came out of NO WHERE! NO WHERE, I tell you!!!
Day 4: Wednesday ~Felt like dying. That's about it.
Day 5: Thursday ~ Something like this :) Still dying! LOL!
Day 6: Friday ~ The amazing day that we ran out of toilet paper!!! LOL! Stuff like this happens when you're sick!!!
Day 7: Saturday ~ Birthday Eve to this big guy. Can't believe he is 7...just seems like yesterday we brought him home from the hospital and didn't even know he was around ! He was the BEST, quietest baby! Most babies wake up and cry or make a little noise...not Buddy...He would just wake up and sit up in his crib without making a peep. Sometimes we don't even know how long he was awake because he'd never cry!! Love his kid SOOOOO much!!!
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