First basketball game-i was definitely not prepared for the excitement!!! Not sure a basketball scholarship is in her future, but Brookey sure is having fun and bonding with her teammates. She has awesome friends and I am so blessed for that!!!
It was super loud in the gym and I thought it was so cute how Sarah just held on to Daddy :)
Working with the little toddlers in the new church daycare! Sarah loves going. She could probably run the place :)
Day 2: Monday ~ Most people can't stand Mondays but I LOVE Mondays because it's one of my days off and I get to spend it with this crazy ball of energy! She loves dressing up in anything she can find so today it was a ballet dress and a sleeping mask!
Day 3: Tuesday ~ It was a rough week across the board, but this quote definitely helped pick me up! If you can't change it, deal with it!! #toughlove
Day 4: Wednesday ~ Brooke had BB practice so these two clowns and I did a few errands and made some wishes in the fountain. I am sure Buddy's had to do with money to buy Skylanders and Sarah's had something to do with candy. :) And yes, she insisted on wearing her sleeping mask the whole time!
Day 5: Thursday ~ When you get dragged around, sometimes you just gotta pass out :)
Day 6: Friday ~ "Crazy" pretty much always sums up Friday night at our house!
Day 7: Saturday ~ We all look totally possessed but so glad I got to hang with some besties for my friend's 40th bday!
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Although you said it was a stressful week, it looks like you still had lots of fun. When my son started playing basketball I couldn't believe how loud it was in the gym. I'd often leave with a headache. I think I'm getting used to it because I didn't get headaches this season.