Day 1: Sunday ~ We were having a great time on our SF Staycation, when Brookey started to get SUPER grumpy! Then this happened on the way home. She ended the day with a fever and was in bed for the next three days!!! Poor baby!!
Day 2: Monday ~ Took this guy to see the new Star Wars movie in 3D. I don't know who was more excited! I grew with with Star Wars so I thought they did a great job of appealing to the, ahem, "older" Star Wars generation. I LOVED IT! And who doesn't love Harrison Ford at 70 years old still kicking butt?! (oh yeah, spoiler alert--I CRIED!)
Day 3: Tuesday ~ Sometimes I wonder where Sarah came from because she's just so..uh...DIFFERENT! But she was enthralled with The Sound of Music, so now I know for SURE she's my kid! My favorite movie of all time! Hands down!!
Day 4: Wednesday ~ Here's my recipe for a Skinny Peppermint Latte! I started my day off with one of these! YUMMY!!!
Day 5: Thursday ~ My parents came up on Christmas Eve and the girls had fun baking with Grandma!
Day 6: Friday ~ Christmas Day!!! Lots of fun, lots of food and way too much fun with the selfie stick!!!
Day 7: Saturday ~ LAZY DAY :) Naps were definitely involved...and that's about it. And more eating. :)
Hope everyone had an awesome Christmas!!
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