Day 1: Sunday-- Well, I was feeling super-duper under the weather on Sunday, and had to miss a great party :( Scott took the kiddos and I stayed at home and sat on the coach with my new favorite app: Stylebook. SO MUCH FUN!!!! I'm kind of addicted :)
Day 2: Monday-- I ordered 2 scarf hangers and they came in the mail, which got me in the organizing mood! Sooooo Sarah and I cleaned out my closet (4 giant bags to Goodwill!) and organized my 41 scarves. I know, I kind of have a problem....oh, and the 41 doesn't include the one being modeled by Sarah :)
Day 3: Tuesday--Buddy's Kindergarten picture. It speaks a thousand words :) That's my kid..and he's sporting his "make me smile one more second and I'm gonna break off on you" smile. I just love him!!! Brookey was at camp during pictures, so she had to make hers up later.
Day 4: Wednesday--Sarah and I love to bake on my days off. Scott and Buddy requested my oatmeal cookies (family FAVE!!!) with butterscotch chips. Seriously to die for. Especially with coffee!!
Day 5: Thursday--Selfies in the car waiting for school to start :)
Day 6: Friday--Eating her breakfast with sunglasses on...on the only cloudy morning this week. Whatever--i just go with it :)
Day 7: Saturday--The Rockin' Rangers...or is it the Rockin' Rebels? I dunno, but Buddy loves soccer and continues to be a goal-scoring machine! It was a tough loss for Brookey's team this week (ouch!).
Have a super week!!
XO ~ Casey
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