It's funny, a lot of people have asked me if my kids are driving me crazy this summer, how to I get anything done with 3 kids, etc. For the record, I don't even think about the fact that I have three kids..which may sound like "a lot" of kids to some, but to me it's just life. It also may seem like a breeze to others who have 4+ kiddos or for moms who work full time. At any rate, I don't think about it, I just DO. I thought it would be fun to do a "day in the life" so I can look back and see what life was like when my kids were 8, 5, and 3.
Summer is definitely different than during school--let me just say that upfront. I have A LOT more downtime and I prefer it that way. I don't have my kids in a ton of activities because we like to be spontaneous...if it's a gorgeous day and we want to go to the beach, we do it! If Daddy wants us to meet him in SF for lunch, we do it! I like the freedom of being able to do that for 2 1/2 months because once school hits, it's nose to the grindstone.
I tried to pick a "typical" day this summer, so here we go....
5:45: My alarm goes off! I try to wake up early (AKA: before 7:00) at least 3 days a week, so I get an hour or hour an a half of solid downtime before the house comes to life :) I read, surf the internet, empty the dishwasher and have a little alone time with God :)
This is what gets me through..two cups of coffee!!! (Non fat milk and 2 Splendas in case you ever want to buy me coffee). I love my cup :)
This the the book I'm reading. My BFF turned me onto Karen Kingsbury who is a Christian author and I can't stop reading this series. I actually finished this book, "Remember," today:
7:00: At 7, I hop in the shower and wake Sarah up. She drinks her milk and watches Sofia the First while I get ready. I always shower and "get ready"--meaning makeup and "clothes you'd want people to see you in" each day. If I don't, I am completely unproductive the entire day!! Here's my outfit today! LOL! I love mirror selfies!
I'm starving so I have my breakfast. I have this or egg whites pretty much every morning. Breakfast of champs right here!
At 7:45 Buddy rolls out of bed. He has his milk and watches his Lego cartoon. See him?? He's not a morning person :)
A little after 8, Brookey wakes up and I make breakfast. "Make"--sorry, I POUR Cinnamon Toast Crunch in bowls, along with OJ and cut up an apple. After that the kiddos get dressed and changed, then do their "homework." Will has a little Summer Bridge Book and Brookey writes in her journal.
I clean up the kitchen and we leave for the library at 9:30.
Brookey has tutoring once a week at the library, so Sarah and Buddy get to play. Sarah played on the computer a little and did puzzles and Buddy built several block towers (of course!)
After tutoring, we headed to Carl's Jr because the kids wanted to use their free hamburger coupons they earned from the library by reading this summer. That was a delicious mess. Brookey declared their buns were not up to par ("like In and Out") and Buddy said it was the best thing he's ever eaten. All I know is my car stinks now.
After that greasy mess, we head to none other than NORDSTROM! Yes, I take my 3 wild animals to Nordstrom. I need a dress for my sister in law's wedding in 3 weeks and my weekends are BOOKED! Plus I wanted to try a few dresses that were on sale :) A girl's gotta do what a girl's gotta do!
Here is the dress I tried on...
Brookey's comment was, "It makes you look taller than a woman should look." So I bought it :) During this time, Sarah found the gum in my purse and stuffed several pieces in her mouth and Buddy was talking (yelling?) about how he could "see my butt" while I was trying on dresses. Brookey was stressed out. My train wreck left the dressing room and headed to the kids shoe department where we browsed around the kids shoes looked at the fish tank--exciting times over here.
I decided to leave before we got kicked out, so we headed home. It was almost Sarah's naptime so she was in a mood. I was driving down the freeway and Sarah was screaming that Brookey wasn't letting her see some doll, Brookey was complaining she was so thirsty she was gonna DIE and Buddy decided to play the "Would you rather" game...It always starts: "Would you rather eat a slimy booger..." It never ends well.
We get home about 1:30 and Sarah goes down for her nap. The kids get some iPad time and I do some laundry and random cleaning here and there and settle down to read again. I started the new book in the series!
I read and maybe closed my eyes until about 3:00. Then I prep dinner--we're having Indian-spiced chicken wraps with cucumber yogurt dressing! Then I work a little bit on a blog post and allegedly have my 3rd cup of coffee:
At 4:00 I wake Sarah up. We go outside and ride bikes and scooters. The sky was sooooo pretty!!
After our walk, everyone bathes and changes into PJs. They play while I do more random cleaning and finish up with dinner. Brookey plays with Monster High dolls, Buddy is busy with Legos and Sarah loves this little kitchen! At this time, it always comes to the point where someone is screaming at someone for something, someone is always whiny and everyone (including me!!) is hungry!! This is definitely my LEAST favorite part of the entire day!!!!
Scott gets home at 6:30 and we all sit down to eat dinner. After dinner is mostly cream for dessert, a little Legos and House Hunters on TV and then around 7:30, things always get wacky. NO IDEA what's going on here!
At about 8:00, we put Sarah down to nigh-night. After that, Brookey and I read together and Scott and Will read together. Then we all read Harry Potter together! We are on Chapter 3 of the first book.
It's 9:00 and I put on my running shoes and hit the gym! I recently started working out at night and so far, I'm loving it! I sweat for a good 45 minutes or so, come home, shower and at 10:30, I'm in bed!
There we have it! A day in the life-Summer Edition! Hope you enjoyed the glimpse into my crazy day! I'm ready to do it all again tomorrow (maybe not the Nordstrom dressing room part). I hope you also realize my life isn't perfect....but I'm having a great time and try to make the most of each day! ~XO