I visited the prenatal cardiologist (who knew there was such a job?!) last week and I am officially released from his care and oversight! If you'll remember way back when at 12 weeks I had a
NTS screen that revealed the baby might be at increased risk for heart defects. After three visits to the cardiologist, he has assured me that everything is properly functioning. He monitored me this last time for an irregular heartbeat he heard a few months ago and it seems to have worked itself out. So everything is a go! Three weeks from today (if all goes as "planned"), Baby Rooney #2 will be here--happy and healthy!
Yeah! Had no clue you were continuing to see a doctor for this issue. So glad to hear that everything is a-ok! Here's to hoping your induction doesn't last 26 hours like mine did! :-) And, I hope I am on the VIP list when the announcement goes out regarding "It's a BOY or GIRL!"