As if I already haven't had enough "scares" during this pregnancy--a CVS for genetic disorders at 14 weeks, still having to see the neo-natal cardiologist every two months for fetal heart monitoring--and now contractions at 32 weeks?! Having gone through labor before, I know what a Braxton-Hicks contraction feels like vs. a "real" contraction. I was lying in bed last Sunday after just not feeling right the entire weekend. I suddenly felt a very familiar pain--the exact same pain that I felt when my labor started with Brookey 3 years ago! Then it went away...and came back exactly 10 minutes later. This kept happening for an hour and it was painful enough that I couldn't sleep. I almost scooped up Brookey from her bed to drive to the ER, but the pains finally went away.
I was still freaked the next morning so I visited my Dr. who informed me he would do some sort of test to see if I would deliver in the next 2 weeks. WHO KNEW such a test existed??! Then he rambled on about if the test were positive there were drugs to take to speed lung development, drugs to stop labor, etc etc. It all sounded freaky to me, not to mention the thought of having a preemie who would most likely have to stay in the hospital hooked up to ventilators, monitors and tubes for at least 2 months. 4 days with Brooke in the hospital about put me over the edge, so I simply cannot imagine doing that for 2 months or longer!
At any rate, I found out yesterday that we are not, in fact, going to have Baby Rooney #2 in the next 2 weeks (the test was negative) and that I just need to "take it easy." Yeah, right. Someone remind me how to do that again....does it involve deep breathing or something??? I'll put "taking it easy" on my to-do list for tomorrow...
Wow, and I thought I had problems with my pregnancy ... and, to think, you were super late with Brooke and could possibly be super early with this little Rooney. Here's to good thoughts and having an "uneventful" rest of your pregnancy. Try lavender, baths, and massage. It worked for me when I needed to "calm down" and take a load off.