Off to Fort Bragg--3 hours away!
We made it! The girls didn't like the winding roads so they had a little ginger ale :)
This was the view from our campsite! For reals! :) It was amazing and literally RIGHT on the beach! We were in heaven! (Brooke made the fire pit!)
Teaching Will the delicate art of rock skipping...
Sunset on the beach :) It was overcast the first night but awesome the next night!
Beach = Happy Kids!
On Saturday, we went to Glass Beach a place that's covered with all sort of Sea Glass. Unfortunately, my phone AND charger died, so I didn't get any pics! LOL! This was the view from the State Park where the beach was. It was AMAZING!
On the way home from Glass Beach I saw a winery located on top of a cliff overlooking the ocean. OF COURSE I was going to stop and check it out (good thing I was driving!!) The had the most unique wines and the view.....breathtaking!!!
SOOOOO beautiful!!!
Another successful camping trip in the books! The kids are already asking when we're going back to this place!!!
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