Day 1: Sunday ~ Because we don't save "the good stuff" for special occasions! #lifeisshort
These two in a chair eating Popsicle! Their love/hate relationship cracks me up. Sarah ADORES her big brother! I mean, ADORES HIM! It's super cute :)
Day 2: Monday ~ My last day at work and Sarah's last day at daycare! She has been going to my friend's little home daycare since she was 5 months old!! Now it's on to preschool! And she is READY!!!
Day 3: Tuesday ~ Tuesday, June 7th was our 13th wedding anniversary! Didn't we look like KIDS in this pic??! (we were). One of our old neighbors came over and commented, "Wow, you guys look REALLY young in that pic...." Because we!!???!!
Day 4: Wednesday ~ LAST DAY OF SCHOOL!!! Ok, this day made my heart soooo full! Not only because I LOVE the last day of school (#nolunchmaking) but because Brooke's class put on the final Mass of the year and she got to read and sing a solo! It was a hard year for her on many fronts and this ended it all on such a high note! #nopunintended!
She had a long reading and read FLAWLESSLY. I swear, I would have just cried and peed my pants if I had to read that AND do a solo in front of 500 people!! #shootmenow
So funny--at the City Track Meet, if the kids complete ALL the events, they get Iron Kids's a BIG DEAL to get the bread! The kids who complete all the events are seriously SO PROUD to be recognized in front of the school and get their bread! I love it! The medal is for her 1st place long jump! #daddysgenes
Obligatory last day of school pic :) I dragged them to do it before they changed out of their uniforms..thus, no shoes for Brooke! LOL!
We can't forget Sarah on the last day of school! This was her bestie at daycare for the past 3 years! Don't they look soooo happy??!
Day 5: Thursday ~ Baseball season is OFFICIALLY over--end of the season party. Weather-wise it was a rough season..soooo many games got canceled and the wind and the rain made it TORTURE to sit and watch most of the games. But as far as Buddy's skills on the field, it was a great season! I definitely think he enjoyed this season the most.
He loves baseball and I think it's a great game for his personality. I think we will give him one more year of machine pitch though, before he tries out for the Minors and it really starts to get "serious!" :)
Day 6: Friday ~ SUCH a fun day! Lots of Brookey's classmates came over to the pool and had a little end of the year pool party! How many kids can you fit in a hot tub?! #gross #drainthatwater
After a day of swimming it was off to $2 Taco Night at the clubhouse by the pool! It was a beautiful night!
And....this is how we end the night after a full day of swimming and tacos! I'm pretty sure I looked the same!!!
Day 7: Saturday ~ It was a beautiful day for wine club pickup at Rombauer! It is the kids absolute favorite picnic spot!
I swear, I DO NOT tell her to pose like this! I just say, "Sarah, let's take a picture!" and this is what she does! Seriously, girl. She just got done saying "Buddy, get out of the way! This is my picture!" #princess #diva #lordhelpherhusband
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