I came home on Sunday and Scott had made homemade, from scratch biscuits! Seriously! Look at the layers and fluffiness!! Thank goodness he's the baker in the family! I won't touch dough with a ten foot pole!
Day 2: Monday ~ It's official! We're moving out! Papers are signed, $$$$ paid! Our move date isn't until April 14th so we have a little time, but it's never too early to start packing up and clearing out 12 years worth of JUNK!
Day 3: Tuesday ~ I'd say it was a beautiful evening :) I love how it's staying lighter later!
Day 4: Wednesday ~ On Wednesday, I watched our neighbor's little girl. She and Sarah get along so well and had so much fun. I had to get more packing supplies so we took a little field trip to Home Depot :) Very educational!
Day 5: Thursday ~ The end of Lent and the kid's last day of school before break. Buddy's class did the prayer service which was a great way to start vacation! My heart is always so full seeing all of those kids read and sing. I LOVE it!
Remember my Lenten promise?? It was kind of a weird one, but I vowed to limit my Target trips and ONLY buy necessities!! Well, this is how I did...
In literally ONE MONTH, I brought our Target bill down by $450! I know--it was out of control. And you know what?? I didn't even miss it at all!! More money for the house! Yay!!!
Day 6: Friday ~ Yeah...i don't know either but this is the kind of stuff that happens around here on a Friday night. ..
Day 7: Saturday ~ It was an absolutely PERFECT day for the neighborhood Easter Egg hunt!
Checking out all of Sarah's loot!
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