
Sunday, April 3, 2011


The Rooney Family welcomed their first (and ONLY!!) pet this weekend--a blue/green betta fish named Charlie.

It was all Brookey's idea...from his name to what type of rocks to put in the bottom of the bowl. She even saved up her own money to buy Charlie and his tank by doing her weekly chores. She even went so far and arranged for her teacher to "fish-sit" Charlie when we go on vacation! She's quite proud of him and so far she's a very good, nurturing Mommy.

This is about as far as I will go with pets in this house as I don't really see the point of cleaning up after something else when I already have two kids. And I definitely don't need something else peeing or pooping on the floor considering I'm about to potty train Buddy. I'm 100% happy with a neat, clean fish in the confines of a tank :)

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