Our little active outdoorsman is still growing well, despite the fact that he hardly eats anything!! (one of those phases, i guess!)
At his 18 month appointment he weighed in at 28lbs (75th percentile) and 32.5 inches (50th percentile). People say he looks big, but I think he's a pretty normal size for a boy. When Brookey was 18 months, I swear she was wearing Size 3T! Buddy still fits comfortably into 18 month clothes. I put him into 24 month jeans today and he kinda looks like a gangsta with his pants on the ground!! :)
Our Doctor has this new computer program and now he prints out all the notes he writes during the appointment, along with all of the appointment information like height weight, shots given, etc. In the notes section, Buddy's read: "Brought in by Mom. He is very active." :) Thanks for the observation, Doc :)
So cute I could gobble him up!