Sometimes I wish time would just sloooow down a little...please! I can't believe 'Lil Old Buddy is 18 months already! I consider 18 months officially a "toddler" as opposed to 12 months. Buddy wasn't "toddling" too well at 12 months!
Even though he's getting older, he's still definitely "a baby" in our eyes. Scott and I always comment how Brookey seemed to just explode in her physical, emotional and cognitive development since the day she was born. At 18 months she was singing songs and already had well over 100 words in her vocabulary. Buddy....not so much.
He still likes to cuddle on the floor with milk and his blankie, play with baby toys and his favorite words are still "that," "no," "dog," "Ma," (means blanket), "I-Gum" (ice cream)...and several other words that have meaning but aren't real words. But the kid understands every word you say. Even if we mention the word "go" just in passing, he's off trying to put on his shoes and collect his blankie and sippy cup...he thinks we're going somewhere!
He'll get there with his words someday. Physically, he is SUPER active..loves to run, tumble off stuff, climb and be outside. He's already had more giant bumps on his head that I can count, bloody noses and at the moment he has a fat lip from ramming himself into a bookcase. As much as I used to complain about Brooke's cautiousness, now I'm beginning to see the benefit in having a child who actually THINKS before they act!!
Ah, Buddy. He's our little work in progress. :) Overall, he's a great kid...he sometimes throws (very) weak temper tantrums that last about 10 seconds and he'll definitely test us--but this is nothing new for this age. The kid takes a 2+ hour nap and goes to bed a 6pm every night. I really can't complain!