But he's doing everything right on schedule, although a bit behind Brooke :-) He's just about to roll over from back to front. And at the Dr's office when she was "testing" him, he almost made it from front to back! He's also our smiley boy and has just started to giggle. He's pretty much sleeping from 6pm to 6am, although recently he's been waking up at 4 or 5am just to chat with himself. Kind of annoying but at least he's not crying or starving to death (clearly he gets enough to eat!).
He's 14 lbs, 14 oz (50th percentile), 25 inches long (50th percentile) and 75th percentile for head size. The kid has a huge head, thus Brooke has dubbed him "Little Old Buddy HEAD" or "Head" for short. Other than head size, he's just so textbook, it's amazing. My other kid on the other hand...she already has a crush on this 18 year old lifeguard at the pool. Sigh....
Wow, he weighs more than Jilly! A few weeks ago (5 month) she was 14lbs 10oz. But who cares, right? I don't want her to get a complex that she weighs more or less than someone who is only 2 months behind her. :-)
ReplyDeleteNot to mention she's a GIRL!!!