Tuesday, July 28, 2009
Discovery Kingdom
Here are some pics from our weekend trip to Six Flags Discovery Kingdom with my BFF Jean and her family. We're so lucky to have DK one exit down the freeway from us! It's like a zoo, Sea World and an amusement park all in one :-) Next summer when Buddy is older, we'll definitely get a season pass and go more often. We had lots of fun, but it got really hot walking around toward the end. Brookey had a great time...Buddy mostly just slept and got red. Typical :-)

Saturday, July 25, 2009
Sometimes he just likes to chew on it....
Sunday, July 12, 2009
Interview with Brookey

Me: State your name.
Brooke: Uh, I'm Brooke...
Me: How old are you?
Brooke: Three
Me: What is your favorite thing to do?
Brooke: Play.
Me: What is Mommy's favorite thing to do.
Brooke: Go shopping.
Me: What is Mommy's favorite place to go shopping?
Brooke: Target.
Me: What is your favorite thing to buy at Target?
Brooke: Toys.
Me: What is Mommy's favorite thing to buy at Target?
Brooke: Toilet paper.
Me: What does Daddy do all day?
Brooke: Uh..work.
Me: But what does he do for work? What is his job?
Brooke: Working!
Me: But what does he DO??
Brooke: Well, I don't know!!!! Work!!
Me: It's OK, I don't know either. What does Mommy do?
Brooke: Shop.
Me: What about Little Buddy? What's his job?
Brooke: Go poo poo his pants.
Me: What do you want to be when you grow up?
Brooke: A Mail-girl
Me: What about Little Buddy? What is he going to be?
Brooke: A pirate.
Me: What is Mommy's favorite TV show?
Brooke: Nick Jr....no wait--Food Show..Network.
Me: What does Mommy like to do?
Brooke: I don't know.
Me: What do I like to do? When I am not playing with you, what do I do?
Brooke: Wash dishes.
Enough said :)
Thursday, July 9, 2009
4 Months Old!
But he's doing everything right on schedule, although a bit behind Brooke :-) He's just about to roll over from back to front. And at the Dr's office when she was "testing" him, he almost made it from front to back! He's also our smiley boy and has just started to giggle. He's pretty much sleeping from 6pm to 6am, although recently he's been waking up at 4 or 5am just to chat with himself. Kind of annoying but at least he's not crying or starving to death (clearly he gets enough to eat!).
He's 14 lbs, 14 oz (50th percentile), 25 inches long (50th percentile) and 75th percentile for head size. The kid has a huge head, thus Brooke has dubbed him "Little Old Buddy HEAD" or "Head" for short. Other than head size, he's just so textbook, it's amazing. My other kid on the other hand...she already has a crush on this 18 year old lifeguard at the pool. Sigh....
Monday, July 6, 2009
Swimming Lesson Success!
Saturday, July 4, 2009

On the 4th, we just had lunch in Napa at Little Gourmet and steak on the grill. Good times!!

Quick and Easy Meal Prep for Breakfast + Lunch + Snacks!
Ready for a SUPER quick and easy meal prep?! No joke, it took me longer to find all the lids to these containers than it did it prep my b...