If you are not a stay at home mom, I strongly suggest, when you start potty training, take a week off work (tough, but gotta do it) and just dedicate that week to potty training. Don't ever depend on daycare to do it. Most daycares want them to be clean and dry for at least 2 days before they will allow them to wear undies all day. Otherwise, they have to wear pull-ups--a huge setback to potty training. If you are a stay at home mom, if you want quick results, don't plan on leaving the house for at least two days (Commitment!!!). But just take them to the potty every 1/2 hour or so (Consistency!!!).
Once you venture out of the house, make sure they go pee before they leave and find the bathroom as soon as you arrive at your destination. On long car trips, we actually take Brookey's small potty and are ready to pull over whenever she says she has to go. This may seem like a pain in the butt, but changing diapers is also a pain!!!
I am happy to report I have not changed a diaper for the past 3 days and it's very liberating :-) We're totally not out of the woods, though. Going #2 is a challenge for Brookey but I am keeping up with my "two C's!!" I know she'll get it soon--i just have to be patient and not expect it all in one week. I also put my foot down at daycare and require that she be allowed to wear undies all day. That is the only way to see progress quickly!
So I guess my advice is not to listen to the advice of people that say, "they're not ready, they'll get it later." As long as your kid can follow directions and YOU have the Commitment and Consistency, it will happen :-)
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