I was mortified at the hospital when Brookey was hooked up to all the machines and she asked to go potty and the nurse said, "Just have her go in her Pull-Up." Excuse me, Lady...Do you know how HARD I to worked to brainwash her into NOT going in her Pull Up and now you're telling me to tell her to do just the opposite?? No way, Jose. I unhooked her from the machines myself each and every time she had to pee or poop. I can't go back to Pull Ups!! And the amazing thing--since she has been in the hospital, she "trained" herself not to pee at night. She's been waking up dry ever since. Not sure what that's all about, but I'm going with the flow on this one.
I'll post some belly pics soon, but take my word for it--I'm getting big!! The Dr. said I am measuring 29 1/2 weeks, so maybe I'll get lucky and have this one early or at least on time!! My last day at work will be March 25th...pending any unforeseen circumstances. :-)
Wow, your second pregnancy has definitely flown by! I'll need to see some belly photos to believe it. When I saw you in early November you had a slight little wine belly, if that. :-)