It's hard to believe that my little girl is "all grown up" and celebrated her 4th Christmas! At this time next year, we'll have another little rascal running around!! Christmas was great this year and I really looked forward to the big day more than I have in a very long time. We are now drowning in princess and Barbie goodies. Brookey is as happy as a clam. However, my "nesting" and need to get organized is so intense right now that the first thing we did this morning is go out and buy a storage unit for all of Brookey's new toys. Scott is putting it together as we speak. :-)
Here are some pics from Christmas 2008...Brookey actually wore a frilly, "girly" dress WILLINGLY for about 4 hours!! It was too cute!! Thanks, Grandma Taylor!

I love the b&w photos! So glad you three had a fab time at Disneyland! Miss you guys!