We spent two wonderful days at Disneyland

December 21st & 22nd.
The first day we had terrific weather--sunshine at mid-60's. We hit some of the "kiddie" rides and some rides we thought were kiddie rides--turned out to be nightmarish for Brookey! Snow White's Scary Adventure really was SCARY and the Pinocchio ride freaked Scott and I out!! Small World and the Jungle Cruise were a hit, along with the tea cups and the train ride. I think Brookey got more out of the entertainment than anything else. Although it rained the morning of the 22nd (who said it never rains in Southern California??!), we waited diligently for 1/2 and hour for Brookey's chance to meet the princesses. And if you know my kid, she's not one to go up and greet strangers, but as soon as she saw Snow White, Cinderella and Sleeping Beauty, she went right up to them and gave them big hugs!! It was really a dream come true for her! She also went to princess storytime and princess craft time where she made a crown. The highlight of the whole trip was the Disney Christmas Fantasy Parade--we got seats right on Main Street and it was truly magical!! So good that we went both nights. We also went to a Disney "live" show at California Adventure which Brookey loved--slightly overstimulating for me but it was precious to see her face and watch her dance with her favorite characters. We'll definitely go back in about 3 years or so...maybe when she can enjoy more of the rides. And we'll probably hit Disney WORLD in Florida instead and make a bigger vacation out of it. But for the time being, Brookey got her princess fix and we all had a great time!!

scottie! you look awesome in this pic! been working out or what?