Scott and the kids started off the morning by taking their very first (real) train ride!! They took Amtrack from a station very near our house to downtown Sacramento. I drove, and the train beat me!!! They had a great time on the 50 min ride. Now I have all these grand notions to take the kids to Canada on the train because they had such a good time. Ha! Maybe when they're older :)
The trains didn't end there. After the ride, we walked over to the California State Railroad Museum, which was actually a really cool experience! Buddy LOVED it because there was one floor of just trains, trains and more trains. Beautifully restored and they even let you walk though some of them. All the workers there were dressed up in 19th century clothing. Then upstairs, it was all Thomas the Train stuff. Little Boy heaven....definitely equivalent to a room full of Disney Princess crap for a 3 year old girl :)
After the train museum we had lunch, checked into the Marriott and walked around Capitol Park and inside the Capitol Building. I don't think I've been inside the Capitol Building since our 4th grade field trip! It's pretty cool, and the outside of the building is beautiful. Glad those tax dollars are hard at work for Capitol Beautification, if nothing else!!!
We all had a great time hanging out and relaxing this weekend. We ended the night with pizza and (you guessed it) a Thomas the Train birthday cake. Not a bad weekend for a 3 year old!!!
Their train tickets!

Getting ready to board the train!

At the Railroad Museum

Train Heaven!

The boys at the Capitol

Woo Hoo for Solano County!!

Capitol Park

What a fun idea to make his birthday special!