I was shocked at how well Brooke performed. Of course I am biased, but I will be the first to admit she can be on the shy side--especially with large groups. On the way to the show she was telling me how "nervous" she was. I was trying to make her feel better by saying "mom" things like "just pretend someone is naked and you won't be nervous anymore!" (That advice definitely wins me Mom of the Year!) but then I realized how extremly nervous I would be standing up in front of that many people, too!!! No way in heck I would have done that when I was 5! I expected her to stand there and lip-synch a little but man--the kid belted out every tune!!! She didn't look the least bit nervous...or shy! On the way home, she told me music was her very most favorit-est thing EVER! I am so happy she goes to a school where there will never, ever be any cuts to the music program!!
As a side note, the kid 3 kids to the right of her is also 1/4 Vietnamese and pretty much the spitting image of Buddy + 5 years :)
Yeah Brooke! Music is so important in a child's life ... it's sad that it's one of the first things cut in public schools. :-(