The first day, I completely thought she was in over her head and I kept telling her that is was completely OK if she didn't "pass" this class. I was just happy she wasn't afraid of the water anymore! In fact, I was fully intending for her to be in this class for at least 2-3 sessions.
But low and behold, today I watched her swim half the width of the pool using her "big arms", do a pretty decent backstroke and breaststroke (for a 4 year old), "dive" underwater and retrieve rings and swim, flipping from her back to her front. You have no idea how amazed I was. At this time last year, I couldn't get the kid to jump into the water. And even just last week she was telling her teacher to "come closer" when she swam out to him. Today, she was telling him to go out farther! We are so proud of her. Now I am confident that if she fell into a pool by accident, she would be able to swim to the side with ease. And really, that was my only goal for the summer!!
Way to go Brooke! :)