On Saturday, October 19th my dear sister in law, Jenna and dear friend, Traci finished the Nike Women's Half Marathon! Seeing as how I would most likely drop dead if I tried to run to my mailbox and back, 13.1 miles is an incredible accomplishment!!! Those girls have definitely given me inspiration that SOMEDAY I will be able to cross that finish line, too....and for a great cause!!! I am thinking a half marathon someplace like Hawaii could convince me. :-) At any rate, CONGRATS, GIRLS!!!!! You're amazing!!! Oh, and don't ask how Traci and Jenna and all of us Rooneys met up in a sea of 20,000++ people...it was fate for sure!! We also just happened to walk up and see Jenna rounding Mile 11--just by chance!! So amazing!!

Way to represent the Hoosiers Will!