Little 'Ol Buddy turned 2 months this past week. It is hard to believe he is ONLY two months old--it seems like he's been a part of our family forever!! So far :-), he's such a good kid. He is what The Baby Whisperer would call a "textbook baby" or an "angel baby." So far, he's doing everything right on earlier, no later than the books say. For example, a milestone for the end of the second month is smiling. He cracked his first smile on his two month birthday. Also, at his two month appointment, he was 50th percentile across the board, with the exception of height where there is is in the 10th percentile!! Helllloooo!! The Dr. laughed and said she would bet he'll be at 50% by his next appointment. She also mentioned that since he was a little early we have to adjust his age by 3-4 weeks until about age 2 when most kids catch up. So I guess if we adjust his age with everything, he's ahead of the curve :-)
This is all very different than Brooke, who was usually ahead of milestones and in the 98th percentile across the board!! It's tough not to compare but I am really trying to accept each little one as there own person with their own strengths. I've already prepared myself for the fact that Little Buddy probably won't be able to sing Twinkle Twinkle Little Star at 18 months, but he will probably surpass Brooke on physical milestones like crawling, walking and climbing. It's just so neat to see how different their little personalities are!!!
I love him! We can't wait to see you all soon!!!!