Today was our first day with Baby Will in the house. It is amazing to finally have him home!! I prepared myself for a lot of things with this birth--not getting the epidural in time, the possibility of a C-Section, heart defects (even though the Drs. said everything was OK), having the baby come so fast I delivered on the side of the road--the list goes on! But never in a million years did I prepare myself for the possibility that my kid would not leave the hospital with us. Although it was traumatic for us, spending 2 weeks in a Level 3 NICU teaches you to truly appreciate everything you have. We met parents whose little boy was born at 25 weeks. For us, Will needed a little extra help for a few weeks and now he's fine. For them, they are preparing for a lifetime of raising a special needs child. That puts it all into perspective.
At any rate, we are thrilled to have him home!! Day 1 of Mommy-of-Two duty was pretty easy. Brooke is an amazing helper and Will is just a little angel. I'm sure at some point, the newborn bliss will wear off, but right now we're just enjoying everything we've got!!
Brookey meets Baby Will for the first time:

SOOOOO tiny in his carseat!!

Brookey is thrilled to be a big sister (finally!):

Checking out my big sister:

Two Weeks in ICU will wear a kid out:

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