Little Will (aka: "Little Buddy" has seemed to be his nickname in the hospital) is doing great! He's off oxygen, his IV, antibiotics and whatever other crazy things he has had to endure for the past week. All that is left is his feeding tube that he uses to get calories because he's been too sleepy to eat enough to put any meat on his bones! He's getting a lot better with bottle feeding but they won't release him until he's had 24 hour of straight non-tube feedings. Although it's heartbreaking not to have him home, I'd rather him gain his strength and weight in the hospital where they can keep a close eye on him.
Our days have been spent at the hospital--we usually come around 9:30am and go home at 8:00pm. It's a long day, but there are worse things I could be doing than spending my entire day holding and cuddling a precious bundle of joy!!! Already I am beginning to notice MANY differences between Will and Brooke as babies:
Will-he needs his 23 hours
Will-have only heard him cry twice and not at all today after his cicumcision!
Brooke: Was born with tangles
Will: Fuzz
Brooke & Will: PRICELESS!!!!!!!!!!!
Here are a few pics from the past week:
Me in labor and Big Sister Brooke:

They let me hold him for one minute before whisking him to the NICU:

Still with his oxygen:

Bundle of Joy: