Trying to make the most of every minute of my time off, Brookey and I spent the day literally across the Interstate from our house at Six Flags Discovery Kingdom (aka: Marine World). This little outing definitely solidified that fact that she is ready for Disneyland!!! She rode on almost every ride she was allowed to ride....from the Merry-go-Round to White Water Adventures! Knowing that she is such a scaredy-cat with most things, I was shocked that she had no problems with rides that spin around and/or rides that go high into the air! In fact, she was spinning us so fast on the teapcups I had to make her stop because I thought I was going to be sick! She wasn't a fan of White Water Adventure--it was a little scary for her and we got really wet. Not the princess' style! We were also able to catch the Killer Whale and Dolphin show which fascinated her. Her face was priceless when she saw the killer whales jumping into the air and doing all their tricks.

I love it! It really looks like you had the perfect day! I can't wait for KJ to start talking. So far it's just dada, mama, duck, and woof(when she sees a dog:) Funny kids!