As most of you know, Scott and I definitely want to have more kids. So

even though it's very early in the game, we've decided to annouce that yes, Brookey is in fact going to be a big sister!!! So ya'll can stop asking me, "WHEN are you guys going to have another one??" "Why aren't you drinking??" :-)
Although we in no way expected it this early (my ** master plan** was to be due in mid-May to coincide with the school year), we are so blessed to have another little one on the way! We went to the Dr. today (lucky day=08.08.08!!!) and we're due in late March...or given my luck with due dates, Mid-April!! The little rascal #2 looks alive and well on the ultrasound and we were able to see a strong heartbeat. So far, I haven't experienced any nausea or ill-effects of pregnancy, but I'm sure they will kick in soon. In the meantime, I'll enjoy this while it lasts along with Brookey announcing to everyone, "My mommy has a baby in her belly. She got a big 'ol belly!" Nothing like kids to keep it real. Stay tuned for details.