- Her 2 month stats: 12lbs, 3oz (75th %tile); 24 inches (75th %tile); Head 14.5 (10th %tile!!). She STILL has a small head!!!!
- We figured out our sweet little girl is like her sister and Daddy and has acid reflux. The Dr. said it may be a temporary inflammation since issues only cropped up after her 6 week growth spurt. At any rate, our sweet angel turned into a screaming, vomiting mess about couple of weeks ago. The Dr. put her on a low dose of Zantac and within 24 hours I had my baby back! It was amazing. So happy she's not in pain anymore.
- She had her first "extended" outing on the 4th of July. We spent most of the day at a friend's house, then watched fireworks at 9:30. She lasted the whole day without a peep, even being passed around and with kids screaming all around her. She even stayed bright-eyed through the fireworks, although at 9:45, enough was enough :) She had everyone convinced she is a little angel....
- Well, she may be a little angel but she is not an angel the same way Buddy was an angel. She actually has opinions about things and will squawk and voice her opinion if she doesn't like something. She's major drama and will stick out her bottom lip when she's upset. She also doesn't just fall asleep at the drop of a hat. She likes to be rocked and talked to and cuddled. But once she's asleep, she stays asleep. I'm really learning to appreciate her "style" and not try to compare her to the other 2.
- I think she's getting pretty close to sleeping through the night. Right now she wakes once around 3:30 or 4:00. She used to wake at 1:30 and that feeding has slowly been pushed to 2:00, then 3:00 and just gradually later and later. So there is definite progress. She wakes up between 6:30 and 7:00 in the morning, which is perfect for me.
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She loves her brother and sister! Even if they are always bugging her! |
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Mommy's sad attempt to make me a girlie-girl |
Eeek, acid reflux? At least it was diagnosed and you can give her something for it. What a strain on everyone's patience, that must've been! Glad you were able to get to the root of the problem!