One wonderful thing that has happened is Brookey's progress with Irish Dancing!! After a Sesame Street episode featuring Irish Dancers last October, she was begging me to take Irish Dancing lessons. It was unbelievable that I actually found an amazing school right in Vallejo! Her school was featured in the local paper on St. Patty's Day this year: McBride School of Dance
Her first lesson was the beginning of November, and even I was completely overwhelmed!! The dancing is SOOO complicated! Brookey was just hopping around like a frog for about 6 months, barely making it through every class. She told me a few times she was "done" with Irish dancing and she wanted to "move on!" I was fine with that, but I (gently) encouraged her to "try one more time" and keep practicing. She hung in there and a few weeks ago I was literally AMAZED at her progress!!! She is REALLY dancing now and at the last class, she was moved to the next level.
It was just so shocking that one day, it just clicked for her. In teaching, I have seen this a lot as well...a kid struggles for 18 months learning to read and you think they will NEVER get it and one day, it just happens. Same with potty training :) It was a proud parenting moment! I felt that I pushed and encouraged just the right amount without being too overbearing ("Stick with it even if you hate it!! Never give up!!") or too sappy ("Ohhhh you're the best dancer!! You're sooo good!"--no, she sucked!! Haha!!).
Anyway, she got a huge confidence boost getting moved up last Friday and told me after class that she's going to do Irish dancing for 10,000 years and until she qualifies for the World Championships like some of girls at her school. I don't know about that, but I'm very happy she's learning that hard work and sticking with something can really pay off :)
Scott's family must be so proud! I've got to see some video of this!