As much anxiety as I had for sending my 4 year old to Kindergarten, I sat there at Mass on the last day breathing a sigh of relief that Scott and I made the right decision. Not only did she "survive" as the youngest one in the class, she thrived. I knew she definitely wasn't going to be the top, A+, most studious kid in the class, just given her age however, I did want her to be able to keep up, meet all of the standards and enjoy school and be happy. Mission accomplished! The "award" in right hand is for being the "Happiest Student" in the Kindergarten class.
Her report card was great, too. Everything was good with extra pluses in Spanish (don't ask me!), Rhyming, Spelling, Citizenship and "Working Independently." She got a Satisfactory MINUS in......HANDWRITING!!!!! I had to laugh out loud when I saw this on her report card because #1-I am totally aware of this and if I were her teacher, I would have given her a worse grade! and #2-I distinctly remember in Kindergarten getting a "Needs to Improve" in Handwriting! If anyone has seen my handwriting, you'd know that Brookey is a chip off the old block. She's come a long way, though. It's legible at least, and with texting and iPads, who needs to write neatly anyway?! HAHA!
I'm looking forward to a relaxing summer without washing uniforms, packing lunches and rushing around in the morning. First task on Tuesday--Potty Training!!!! I guess I can forget the relaxing part... :)
Happiest Student! Yay!

Brookey and her teacher--she's 11 years younger than me...depressing :)

Congrats Brooke! Way to go!