Scott went out of town for a week and it was our first week of summer vacation so I thought it was a great time to start the =dreaded= process of potty training. I planned not to leave the house for AT LEAST 3 days hoping I could just get it all done in those 3 days. I also decided on the Day 1 "bare butt" method....is that really a "method?" I don't know, but it seemed like a good idea. Here's our daily account:
Day 1:- I completely cover the house with towels and washable blankets. The thought of a bare butt anywhere on the furniture was disgusting. We don't leave the house at all.
- I tell him to use the potty when he has to go (duh). He's watching TV, starts to go, then sucks it back in and runs to the potty. There is not one more "accident" the entire day... #1 and #2!
- Reward with candy and Brookey and I make up a potty dance...I really hope none of the neighbors saw us. We sing A LOT that day!!!
Day 2:- Thinking he's trained, I start Day 2 with underwear. Runs to the potty and pees....but forgets to take down his undies. =sigh= Does that 3 more times, including #2 (I throw those undies out) Arrghhhh!!! Doesn't tell me when he needs to go, he just goes...not helpful when he can't maneuver his underwear.
- Need to get bigger undies since his Toy Story tightie whities are too hard to take down. Throw the potty in the truck and drive like a bat out of hell to Target. I refuse to do Pull Ups or diapers!!! Successful trip-no accidents!
- Put on new underwear, he's doing better. Trip to the pool--I bring the potty with me. Get skeptical stares from people. Whatever.
Day 3:- Underwear the whole day, he tells me when he has to go and I help him a little. No accidents. Wakes up dry at naps.
Day 4:- Long birthday party at the park, errands and no accidents. It's really done!!!!
Four days with no diaper changing and NO PULL UPS!!! Although I still do a diaper at night but I'll tackle that later. Scott came home from his work trip and wonders why there isn't any food in the house and I told him on Days 1-3 I was too scared to leave the house! He tells me, "just put him in a Pull Up and go!!" A Pull Up???? The Anti-Christ??!!! Um, no. I'm doing the potty training here, thank you :) And I'm DONE!!!! Happy Father's Day!!!
*** I have to footnote all of this by saying this is the complete 180 of my experience potty training Brooke. It really think it was 25% my "method" and 75% the fact that I just got a really easy kid!