Sunday, February 26, 2017
Seven on Sunday ~ Week 8
Seven on Sunday is pretty sparse today...I think for Lent I need to work on taking more--and BETTER--pictures! HA!
Day 1: Sunday ~ Sometimes it really isn't my fault that I have no good pictures...look at what I have to work with! LOL!! Playing cards with these crazies on a Sunday night.
Day 2: Monday ~ The PE teacher at school sent me this picture from just last year...but Will and his friends look soooo little! They have grown up SO much this year!
Day 3: Tuesday ~ She wanted to do her own hair. So. This is it. I think she ended up putting another bow on the side too. #classy
Day 4: Wednesday ~ He forgot the "Z" on the end, but I really need this license plate!!
Day 5: Thursday ~ It was Will's first day of baseball practice and the closest I could get to a picture was Sarah wearing his hat. He's on the Blue Jays--AGAIN!
Day 6: Friday ~ One of the easiest, yummiest meals I've made in awhile. Recipe will be coming on SOON!!
Day 7: Saturday ~ His last basketball game!! For a kid who "didn't want to play" before we signed him up, he had a GREAT season and had so much fun! He had a melt down in the car afterwards--I am always shocked when he cries...he has these (kinda random) PASSIONS that he cares so much about. I guess basketball is one of them!
That's a wrap for today! Don't forget to check out my other website/blog for lots of fun recipes and information on healthy living! Have a great week! XOXO
Sunday, February 19, 2017
Seven on Sunday ~ Weeks 6 & 7
Well last week we were having so much fun entertaining my sisters in law and my new little nephew that I couldn't post!! The last two weeks have been so much fun and the past week was "The Week of Benji." After having him around for 6 days, the kids were DEVASTATED when he left! We can't wait to see that little stinker again soon!!
Here are some pics from his visit:
These two became FAST besties!! Sarah is obsessed with babies to begin with and Ben was just another one of her "dolls"...that she dresses up in pink girl bibs :)
Friends for life!
We've had this Elmo chair since Brooke was 1! We cleaned it all up for Ben so he could get his turn in the family Elmo Chair :)
Aunt Casey had to Snapchat with him!!!
These two! Seriously!
In between all the loving on Ben, Will had his first Confession with Father Jerome! SO proud of this kid-he takes his faith very seriously.
Enjoying the great weather outside!
I taught him all he needs to know about the Napa Valley! Rombauer and Peju!
Brookey loves this kid so much!
A little wine tasting with the SIL!!!
Wednesday morning--saying goodbye to Ben...we let Sarah stay home and spend more time with him before he left.
Quality Time!!!
Will showed Ben all of his games and videos on his iPad--he was obsessed!!! LOL!!I think we have a future gamer here!!!
I'll just leave you with this video of Sarah after Benji left....she LOVES that kid! And so do we!!!
Have a great week! XOXO
Sunday, February 5, 2017
Seven on Sunday ~ Week 5
Day 1: Sunday ~ School Open House Day! It's always a fun day that starts with Mass then we get to go around to all the kiddos classrooms. Had to snap this picture on Sarah's preschool wall :)
Day 2: Monday ~ Sisters :) Love these two...and they love each other...sometimes :)
Day 3: Tuesday ~ This girl. She's all kinds of ready for Kindergarten--she talks about it everyday! Hard to believe that was my Little Brookey's same school jumper! It's still in perfect condition!
Day 4: Wednesday ~ We don't have salad for dinner very often, but I threw together this steak salad and it was to die for! Recipe coming on the **NEW** website soon!!!
Speaking of which--Don't forget to check out the new website launching tomorrow!!! It'll be your one stop each week for lots simple, healthy family friendly recipes, meal plans, access to free fitness groups, motivation and just a down to earth, practical view of healthy living #moderation
This A Little Bit of Cheer site will still house Seven on Sunday but EVERYTHING else will be on the new site. Frankly, Seven on Sunday is more for ME than anyone's my little digital scrapbook :)
Day 5-6: Thursday & Friday ~ I was feeling under the weather so I went and got a big bowl of Pho..well, guess who ate half of it??! This girl is the only kid who LOVES soup!
Day 7: Saturday ~ Basketball in the morning, then Buddy has a school/church retreat with Scott in the afternoon. After that, we all headed to Napa to celebrate Scott's 44th!!!!
**Don't forget to visit the new website and sign up for the newsletter!!!**
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Quick and Easy Meal Prep for Breakfast + Lunch + Snacks!
Ready for a SUPER quick and easy meal prep?! No joke, it took me longer to find all the lids to these containers than it did it prep my b...